Roberta Lee

RSL Blog Why Is Fashion Activism Important

Why is Fashion Activism Important?

For this year’s Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution event, I had the pleasure of hosting an expert panel with Alice Wilby and Bel Jacobs, discussing all-things fashion activism in support of Fashion Revolution week. As two well-known fashion activists and Extinction Rebellion coordinators, these ladies were perfectly positioned to share their insight and wisdom on

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RSL Blog Clothing Swaps For Fashion Revolution and Beyond

Clothes Swaps for Fashion Revolution & Beyond

Last month Ethical Brand Directory proudly sponsored Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution 2020 event. And we’re continuing to support Fashion Revolution in June – and beyond! – with a series of online clothes swapping events. As lockdown life becomes the new norm, many of us have newfound time on our hands and are craving a

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The Stories Behind Things - #LovedClothesLast

The Stories Behind Things – #LovedClothesLast

I am delighted to announce that I’ll be hosting ‘Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution 2020’ events on Saturday 25th April. I’ll be sharing virtual talks on sustainable style, interviewing members of the Ethical Brand Directory family and talking to ‘Sustainable Man’ AKA Dan Pontarlier and EBD’s business partner. And if that wasn’t enough fashion-fun, Roberta

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