Why We Should be Asking #WhoMadeMyClothes?

This Fashion Revolution Week turn your clothes inside-out (not by accident because you’re tired) but to find out ‘Who made my clothes?’. Take a photo and post it on social media, tagging in the brand.

If we’re going to create systematic change in the fashion industry, we must demand greater transparency from brands. As consumers of fashion, we have the power to vote with our dollar and pressure brands to adopt greener, more ethical practices.

At the bare minimum, these brands should be responsible for providing their garment workers with a fair wage, safe environment and decent livelihood. 

Because clothes shouldn’t cost the earth or the people who make them. 

“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness”. No one should suffer for the clothes we wear.

The Growing Fashion Revolution…

7 years since the Rana Plaza tragedy, the fashion industry has seen slow but steady progress. According to Tamsin Blanchard, since Fashion Revolution Week 2018, 3.25 million people have asked #WhoMadeMyClothes? Every year the revolution grows stronger and the voices demanding answers from brands get louder.

Ask The Brands – #WhoMadeMyClothes?

Become a fashion revolutionary this week and ask your favourite brands #WhoMadeMyClothes? Now more than ever, we need to ask this question. During this unprecedented global health and economic crisis, we need to demand that brands honour orders they’ve already placed with their suppliers, and ensure that the workers making their products are supported and paid properly. 

Here are the steps:

  1. Find the brand’s Twitter handle
  2. Take a photo of yourself asking the brand ‘Who Made My Clothes?’ 
  3. Upload your snap onto Twitter and fill in the text below:

Hi @[brand] I’m [name] and I want to thank the people who made my clothes via @Fash_Rev #whomademyclothes?

Then SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Get your friends and family involved – we all have the power to make a change. Every voice counts. And it’s such a small but powerful action.

Who Made My Clothes | Fashion Revolution

Until brands are transparent, accountable and can answer ‘I made your clothes’ honestly, the fashion industry will remain murky. 

I care about clothes and the people who make them, and I want the brands we buy from to care as well. We have to start looking at the true cost of our clothing, otherwise people and the planet will continue to suffer as a result of the hidden fashion industry.

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