My HydraFacial Review at Radiance MediSpa – My Search For Clearer Skin

In my twenties I had my first acne outbreak – then my smooth porcelain looking dolls face started to look more like lumpy pizza dough. To say I had confidence issues with my skin was an understatement. I’ve actually taken it for granted having good skin over the past 10-years, until recently when I got another outbreak. Here I am mid-thirties with bad skin – again…
I was lucky enough to be invited by the award winning Radiance Medispa in Exeter come in and try out their HydraFacial treatment. After an initial consultation with Katie (the owner) I was advised that a chemical peel would be best, but due to my schedule (and not being able to lay low for a few days) the next best thing would be a HydraFacial. 
I scored the facial and Radiance MediSpa a combined 4.5 stars out of 5. Check out the rest of my review to find out more. 

My Skin Concerns

My concerns were that my skin was now scarred, blemished uneven and that here I am a confidence coach and now I am batting issues with my own appearance.  I expressed how fed-up I am of needing to wear a full face of foundation, I know I have to do more videos on social media, but until my skin calms down I’m just not comfortable doing it. 
After hearing my concerns Katie recommended that I try the HydroFacial Treatment as shown below. 


My Radiance MediSpa HydraFacial Experience


Here’s What I Considered Whilst Scoring Radiance Based On The Treatment And Venue


Was The Hydro Facial Treatment Suitable For A Busy Woman? 

Definitely – it took just 45-minutes to do and it combined over 4 different treatments which included extraction and rejuvenation. 

What Was The Location & Accessibility of Radiance MediaSpa Like?

As for the location of radiance Medispa it couldn’t be more convenient for Exeter locals. It has a secure private underground parking area that allows clients to move out of the Spa and into their car without being seen.

The venue itself is beautiful, the staff are super polite, helpful and friendly and the treatment rooms and reception area are kept clean and stylish. It’s very welcoming and is bright and airy.

Does the Radiance MediSpa Operate Ethical & Sustainably / Are The Products Sourced Ethical & Sustainably? 

This is a tricky one – because we know that the type of treatment required for the damage I have done to my skin over the past 23 years, isn’t going to be that gentle. I knew that the origin of the chemicals and the information about where it all comes from would be harder to ascertain.

There is a time for organic free-from chemicals, but in this instance a little bit of the 80/20 rule had to be applied. I opted for process and chemicals because I wanted to see fast results. That’s the truth. For longer term maintenance I would look at less abrasive chemical based treatments – but in order renew my skin and that means the first layer has to go! For this type of treatment I would need to be either in Exeter for longer or get a treatment done near me in North London. 

What Were The Ingredients Used For The Hyrda Facial? 

All of the ingredients used are chemical based and I am not 100% sure of the origins of the products or how they are sourced (however I knew that going for this type of treatment was going to take me outside of my usual preferences). 

Did Radiance MediSpa & The HydraFacial Treatment Make Me Feel Good?

Well the treatment itself was very pleasant and my therapist Charlie was very lovely. She performs these on a daily basis so she knows her stuff. 
I have to say that Radiance Medispa is a very relaxing place AND very private. I felt immediately at ease and every step of the process was fully explained to me. I felt good about investing in myself and finally taking action to achieve  better skin. 
Immediately after the treatment my skin was noticeable more glowing and the texture felt wonderful. Even without my make-up on, I felt unusually more confident bare faced!
A few days afterwards it hit me though – a full on pizza style outbreak just before New Years Eve. I don’t know why I am always surprised post-facials to have outbreaks. I always do and I always seem to forget every time I try a new one. I guess if I was more consistent with facials my skin would adapt and I would get the benefits. A lesson is in here somewhere… 

What Are The Radiance Medi-Spa Company Values Like?

It’s a family owned business, set up by Dr Roz a very successful female entrepreneur who I have had the pleasure of spending some time with over the past couple of years. The staff are very well looked after and they are very focused on great customer care. Radiance are in the business of helping people (men and women) look and feel good. And they do a really good job at it. 

Cost Vs Value

The treatment was offered to me for free – I am told that for best results you would need to have for a course of 6 hydra-facials. After just one treatment it is hard for me to say whether the cost V value is worth it – my instinct tells me that the facial is worth the money. 
HydraFacial’s are available across the UK though, so you wouldn’t need to list Radiance in Exeter to get a treatment, although if you are ever in Devon I would recommend it as the spa environment there is worth the effort to visit. 
Obviously everyone reacts differently to treatments and I’m not a skin specialist – I can just tell you about my experience and whether I think the treatment, staff and venue get my vote. I’m a pretty tough person to please because I don’t just rate the product or treatment – I look at the bigger picture.  I am however please to say that Radiance gets a wonderful 4.5 stars out of 5 stars from me. Thank you Radiance for inviting me in to test out the treatment! 

The 1/2 star knocked off is purely down to the whole ethics and sustainability thing and staff not knowing much about the origins of the chemicals within the facial itself. I wasn’t expecting them to – and to be honest this is just me comparing Radiance’s business values and ethics against my own.

I hope this review was helpful – if it was please leave a comment below 🙂 If you watched the Youtube video please leave a thumbs up and a comment if the video was helpful – and if it wasn’t please mention what you’d like to see more of in the next ones. 

Thanks for reading! 

Roberta x
Resources & Extra Reading
***March 2017 Update*****
I have to say after my facial I did get an outbreak which is quite normal for me following any interference to my usual low key routine l – so it’s kind of hard to give a definitive view on whether the Hydra Facial is good for someone like me with acne prone skin, unless I try out a full course. I must admit that I have had a range of issues that could have triggered an outbreak so it’s really not fair to blame it on the facial, I think it was coincidence. 

After having my treatment as Radiance I am now really keen to test out Dr Oz products and try a chemical peel as this is what Katie initially recommended, but I didn’t have the time.  So let’s see what happens over 2017 – which I am coining the year for my face. I want to be acne free and have super beautiful skin again by the time I am 36! 

Keep an eye out for my next Confidence & Beauty Review Installment… #RSLReviews 

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