Hi ladies, if you are discovering my blog for the first time you may not know that I am passionate about giving back, staying true to my ethical values, being as sustainable as possible and supporting women in business. This past year has been a great journey, I have turned my attention towards consumer behaviour and it’s been a huge eye opener. It’s called conscious consumerism or as ethical brands call it: ethical consumerism. Once you start the on this path of knowledge and discovery – it’s hard to turn back.
Let me introduce you to an the brands I have discovered….
The Latest Ethical Brand
Very recently I discovered another new ethical brand that ticks all the Roberta Style Lee boxes – Sapellé. They are an ethical online fashion and lifestyle brand that brings together the best of African inspired design – they loved my website and what I do, and I loved their website and what they do. The perfect starting point for a partnership.
Upon further investigation into one another’s business we realised our target audience is quite similar too and by partnering up we felt could offer extra value to our existing customers.
We are also both keen on the 541 philosophy of sustainable styling – we should always be trying to stretch each investment so we can create up to 5 new looks. Check out this Sapellé blog – 1 dress 5 looks.
We decided to kick things off in December with a last minute Black Friday promo offering FREE PERSONAL STYLING at their Sapellé showrooms (London) for a Christmas shopping event on the 3rd December 2016.

I was on hand to offer some personal styling tips and one-to-one styling sessions and help Sapellé customers make the most of their purchases. The event went well and we have decided to do another one in early 2017.
Interested In Style Tips?
If you are interested in coming along to the next event make sure you are subscribed to the mailing list by adding your details here – you’ll also get a copy of my Top 10 Personal Styling Tips, Designed For Busy Women
My Ethical Brand Recommendations
I’m slowly building up an impressive list of amazing brands that I can personally vouch for, I have some reviews of products pending – these are marked *
So far I have had the pleasure of getting to know the founders of these amazing ethical brands:
- Sapellé Gifts & Clothing
- Dfynorm Women’s Clothing
- Bella Kinesis Fitness Clothing
- AmaElla Ethical Organic Lingerie *
- Elkie & Ark Luxury Organic, Ethical, Sustainable Bed Linen *
- Jakes Boost – 100% Natural Nut Butters
- The Little Soap Company – 100% natural soaps *
More Brands?
Do you know of any great little brands that could do with some support and a boost? If you do let me know and I can make contact with them and arrange a review and try to negotiate a discount code for you.
I hope this was a useful blog post and if you find the time to please do check out these brands and my LOVED BY RSL page on the Roberta Style Lee website.