3 of the Best Clothes Swapping Apps and Websites in the UK

Discover 3 of the first clothes swapping apps to arrive in the UK. It’s taken nearly a decade for it to catch on, but clothes swapping has finally found its stride. In 2019 it was near impossible for a week to pass and not find clothes swapping meet-ups happening in London. But if since COVID-19 a lot has changed. If you’ve gotten into online swapping, these may be of interest. In a pre-pandemic world, I actually didn’t enjoy rummaging through a large chaotic room. If jumble sale vibes, TKMaxx bargain hunting, and bustling eager elbows don’t feel up your street – don’t worry… these apps can give you a safe and less crowded way to participate from the comfort of your own home, or on the go. Whatever you prefer.

ROberta Style Lee | PIN | 3 of the Best Clothes Swapping Apps & Websites in the UK

Here are some of the best clothes swapping apps available in the UK:

1. Vinted

Vinted is the first app I ever used to swap my clothes. I created an account when the app first launched, nearly 5-years ago (I think) which I am sad to say I have since been neglected. Back then I found it super easy to use and the community-friendly, it’s developed a lot since its beta launch so I am sure it will be even better now. I did feel a little ‘old’ if I am honest, the demographic seemed to be a lot of teens. I used to find my stuff would sell reasonably, but I rarely found much I wanted to swap as the quality of items on the platform wasn’t really to my taste. I think the platform has matured and you will find 30+ women on there sharing their wardrobes now.

This year I intend to bring my account back to life and sell/swap more of my pieces. So if you’re on vinted and like my style – give me a follow and keep your eyes peeled as I will be listing pieces sporadicaly.

Check out the website and download the app: https://www.vinted.co.uk/
Demographic: mainly young women in their teens and twenties


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2. Swopped

I haven’t personally used this app, but I have heard good things about it. It’s pretty simple, you sign up, you list your items, they give you an evaluation, you send in, once received they give you credits which you can redeem in their store (full of preloved pieces that other people have sent in).

I’m not too crazy about the promotion of the high-street brands on their posts though, I think they can showcase the clothes without name dropping brands from the hig-street.

Check out the website: https://swopped.co.uk/
Demographic: mainly young women twenties

3. Swancy App

Again, another app I haven’t yet had the chance to use – but I have met the founder Kristin and heard all about the success of the app in Europe. Again, the process is pretty simple: you download the app, register your account, upload items you would like to swap, like items to match with other swappers, then chat to decide how to swap them.

I raised a few concerns with young swappers going out to meet strangers to swap clothes. I think this process could be made safer by having dedicated safe meet-up spots like a chain coffee shop, like a Costa or Starbucks where young people can meet safely and not put themselves or their home address at risk.

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Our bodies go through so many changes during our lifetime. We gain weight, we lose weight, we go through pregnancies and sometime through diseases that alter the way our body looks. Buying durable and quality clothes should always be the default choice (when you can afford it) but as we go through life stages those quality clothes might not fit our bodies anymore. So what do you do with the clothes that don't fit you anymore? You can sell them, you can donate them or you can swap them ???? If you choose to swap them, remember that the Swancy app is always available to you and will help you find a new home for those clothes you can'e wear anymore. #bodychanges #bodychanging #swapshop #swancyapp #swapping #stopshoppingstartswapping #fashionapp #bodypositive #expressyourself #experimentwithfashion #fashionistmypassion #fashionlovers #fashionforgood #sustainablefashion #havefunwithfashion #secondhand #secondhandclothes #startswapping #buylesschoosewell #swapaholic #clothingswap #ecofashionista #preloved #prelovedfashion #circularfashion #fashionsharing #pregnancyfashion

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Check out the website: https://swancyapp.com/
Demographic: mainly young women in their teens and twenties

Let me know if you’ve used the apps and what you think – or if I have missed any.

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