Lockdown Diary Week 2

Week two of the Lockdown in the UK and it’s feeling even more surreal than the first 7-days. I’m not normally one to drink at home alone, but hey these are unprecedented times… I’ve been dancing like a lunatic on the house party app and sharing videos of myself dancing like a crazy woman on IG stories…out of character? Definitely. Clearly physical isolation is getting to me! Is this happening for anyone else?

Silver linings of COVID-19?

If we have to find the silver linings in all of this I guess the first one to spring to mind is the rise in people reaching out to connect. Compassion and kindness are starting to shine through the clouds – and it’s making me restore my faith in humanity.

I have been in touch with some friends that I have not spoken to in a long time. As each day passes, I am realising what really matters – and the value of friendship more than ever. I’m not drunk whilst writing this [I promise] but yes, going through this is really making me feel sentimental and grateful for the people I have (digitally connected) around me. I also have even more levels of respect for my landlord and his wife, who are my neighbours and have been incredibly supportive, not just during COVID-19 but for all the years I have lived next door. I think all this time on my own has forced me to think more about the people I don’t have the option to have ‘physically’ in my life right now as well.

I am a self-confessed workaholic, fuelled by the determination and the belief that I will have created something in my life that is giving back to society by the time I am forty. Spoiler later, I am working like crazy as I want to meet that deadline… So whilst lockdown brings me the opportunity to ‘work even more’ it’s also highlighting the most human of needs – my own need for love, to extend kindness and offer compassion.

The attitude of gratitude

When things get tough (and being in lockdown is affecting us all in different ways) I try to be as grateful as I can be. I find the attitude of gratitude goes a long way, with a sprinkle of a reality check every now and then – this seems to keep my spirits up. I don’t live in the clouds, but I do have my own version of the world – one where I see positivity, opportunity and hope.

As a result of my hard work and commitment to my ‘vision’, I have lost a lot of friends along the way. 6-years ago I was VERY social and out in London enjoying life and living for the weekends and holidays.
But then it all changed when I decided to set up my own business…

It’s super sad but it happens: friendships drift apart – some survive, some don’t. During the lockdown, I wondered how many people would be there for me, or if I would find myself at home, alone, with no one to talk to.

Actually, I have been surprised with how caring all the new people have come into my life are, most of them are aligned with who I am today, respect what I do, and most importantly they encourage me to be the best I can be – supporting me every step of the way.

It’s many of those new wonderful humans that I am super thankful for during lockdown. Building a community with my Ethical Brand Directory family has been hands down the best thing I have ever done. I feel so blessed to have wonderful entrepreneurs and small business owners to work alongside. Many of which I have formed wonderful supportive friendships with.

So, to summarise week two has definitely been about gratitude, and me feeling slightly insane… a bit like week 2 of a holiday where you finally start to get into the swing of things – and act anything but normal in a bid to adjust with the new routine.

Did anyone else find themselves going a bit cuckoo in week two?

I’ll be back next week, with week 3 of my lockdown diary. Hopefully, I will keep these diary entries going, they are proving to be quite therapeutic! ????

Stay safe, please remember to be kind to yourself and others.

Roberta x

Catch up with all the Lockdown Diary Blogs

You can read the Week 1’s entry here.

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