Lockdown Diary Week 3

Three weeks into Lockdown and I think it’s fair to say the ‘holiday’ feeling is over. I have video call fatigue now, the fun has worn off and I’m blooming desperate for a hug… This is soooo unnatural – but I am doing what I can to stay home, help stop the spread of the disease and the burden on the NHS. If it means I have to stay home, drink wine and eat pizza whilst watching Netflix, I think I can handle that…

Alcohol consumption up by 22%

Now, I’m not saying that the 22% rise is all down to me, but figures do show an increase of 22% across March, according to consumer analysts Kantar. I find it comforting that I am not alone, and many of us brits have been turning to the booze to treat ourselves during the lockdown. I admit I find myself drinking more wine than I probably should. My recycling bin has the clinks and clunks of someone who likes to drink far too much. Thank goodness nobody is examining what I am putting in there. My healthy food regime has kind of gone out the window too, as I reach all too often for the freezer where I have stocked up on comfort foods.

I keep having words with myself – looking in the mirror [wine in hand] saying “you best not keep this up for too long otherwise you’ll create a new normal – and all habits are hard to break. You know that…”

Netflix Binging during covid-19

I have been finding myself binging on a lot more series than I usually would though, due to all this extra time I have back as I’m not travelling back and forth all the time.

According to the Guardian, “Netflix has more than doubled the number of new subscribers it expected in the last three months as more people signed up amid the coronavirus pandemic”. Again, that’s not all down to me.

Have you found yourself watching more? And if you have, what have you been watching? So far I have managed to get through:

  • Better Call Saul – the 2nd and 3rd Season for some easy watching
  • Next in Fashion – interesting that only one designer really spoke about sustainability!

Giving back to the local community during Covid-19

All this staying home, drinking wine and eating pizza has made me feel incredibly fortunate. I mean it’s difficult being isolated but I think those of us who aren’t key workers and can ‘afford’ to be at home don’t have the worst situation to deal with. I say that with a pinch of salt as I am fully aware that there are children and families all locked in, forced to be in hostile unsafe situations right now (my best friend works for the courts and child protection services – so I know things are bad) – and I just thank my lucky stars that I’m healthy, managing to live alone – and have a fantastic landlord.

In week one, I put a post up in a local FB group offering my support to anyone who may need support with food runs or just a friendly ear to chat. I didn’t get much of a response, but then I finally checked my FB messages and there it was. A lady reaching out. It’s felt good to be able to help her. I initially emptied my own cupboards for some staples, asked the neighbours and then dropped off some essentials at her door. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to get her to be a bit more independent and work with the council and food banks.

I do feel a bit conflicted as I discovered that whilst she doesn’t have any money, she was not taking any action and following up with the support networks I had sought out for her. I think relying on the goodwill of the neighbours will only go so far, and I really want her to feel empowered and take responsibility – as who knows if lockdown will continue past April. It’s been an interesting 3-weeks trying to help this lady and ensure she gets the support she needs.

It’s actually been kind of wonderful to see the people willing to form a support system in my local community. I have organised to have free soup delivered once a week to the lady I am helping. I also reached out to see if any other people in the neighbourhood could drop off food at her house too, I was overwhelmed by how many kind people offered to help.

If there’s one thing #lockdown has made me realise, it’s the power of community and I definitely need to think more ‘local’ and support more people and businesses in my area.

So, on that note, I am going to order Thai food from down the road…

Take care, stay safe and see you next time.

Roberta x

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