Do you think of personal stylist and think of celeb culture or does the idea of an image consultant conjure up an 80’s style dowdy middle-aged woman with a questionable outfit on, wavering around swatches of colours telling you that you’re cool autumn and a lollipop?
Stylists and Image consultants
Well, whatever you think about personal styling, you’re probably right – stylists and image consultants despite being representative of a positive image – ironically have quite a bad image when it comes to the average populations perception of them!
So here’s what I am doing – I’m trying to remove that negative image of dowdiness – I am a 35 year old woman and you don’t see me in pastel twin sets dressing like my nan at a christening. Instead I am embracing my own personal style and throwing this ‘age-appropriate’ blooming rule book out the window. I will dress in whatever I please thank you! As long as it’s appropriate for me, my body shape and what I am doing – who cares about my bloody age?
Here Are 9 Totally Legit Reasons For Investing In Support From A Personal Stylist:
- You are a busy successful women who wants to eliminate stress and save time!
- You feel like your wardrobe doesn’t have a particular style or represent who you are.
- You need a confidence boost and your current wardrobe isn’t making you feel fantastic enough.
You have a wardrobe full of clothes yet still face the ‘I have nothing to wear dilemma’ almost every time you need to go out.
You’ve recently lost weight and you’re still wearing the same type of clothes you used to ‘cover up’ in.
You’ve got a special event coming up and you want to feel great and know you look fantastic.
You’ve decided to invest in a capsule collection but have no idea where to begin.
- You’ve got no idea about your body shape, the best materials, colours, necklines or hemlines that truly flatter your frame.
- You are interested in becoming more socially and environmentally aware of the impact of fashion – we call this sustainable styling – yet you don’t know where to start!
Style Matters

Then next step is making personal styling less of luxury but more or a empowerment tool for women who want to be the #BOSS of their lives. Clothing speaks volumes, it can change your mood, your productivity levels, others people’s perception of you – and your own perception of yourself.
Getting your style stakes sorted is no joke if you mean business. It will be one of the best, unexpected investments you’ll ever make that will last you a lifetime.
The UK’s Bad Fashion Habits
There’s a big taboo about styling like it’s not meant for everyday women and reserved for celebrities and those with a lot of money. Personal styling is an investment just like every other self development service out there. The 2016 Oxfam press release(1) that discusses the survey findings that reveal that UK’s clothing habits. It’s pretty shocking – with adults admitting to only wearing 44% of the clothing they own regularly. There is a clear need for some wardrobe assistance especially when half of the nation have admitted to experiencing wardrobe rage (irrational emotional outburst relating to overwhelm and not knowing what clothes to wear of how to wear them).
Working With A Stylist
If you work with a stylist you’ll understand how to buy items that last longer and that you’ll actually wear. Like all things in life, the stuff that worth doing doesn’t always come cheap but the investment pays off in the long term. Why would you want to continue to live life with each waking morning filled with dread – ‘what to wear’ tantrums and a tonne of clothes you don’t wear cluttering up your bedroom and head-space.
Getting Started With Sustainable Styling
You can get started on your new you, new wardrobe today with my FREE e-Book containing my Top 10 personal style tips to help you look good and feel good.
Everything feels better with a smile & some style. Stay fab ladies!
Roberta x
Empowering women form the inside out!
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Head on over to my website and take a look around!